Ice Breaker Questions for Work
Current Job
How long have you been working here for?
How did you come to work for this company?
What is one thing you like about working here?
What is one thing that you think can be improved on at work?
What items do you keep on your desk?
How long is your commute to work?
What did you want to grow up to be when you were a kid?
What are the best perks that you've had at a job?
What would you be doing if you were not working today?
If you had to start over again and choose another career, what career would you choose?
What do you plan to do after you retire?
What was your first job?
What is the best career advice that you've received?
What is a goal you have for this year?
What does success mean to you?
What do you do to relieve stress?
If you were to start your own business, what business would you start?
What's the worst job you've ever had?
What keeps you busy outside of work?
If you were given a one year sabbatical from work. What would you do?